proc("CHECK_LOGIN_ATTEMPT"); $db->execproc($args); if ($db->nf() && $db->next_record()) { $_SESSION["member"]["loggedin"] = 1; $_SESSION["member"]["number"] = $db->f("ref_member"); $_SESSION["member"]["paymethod"] = $db->f("payment"); $_SESSION["member"]["account"] = $db->f("number"); $_SESSION["member"]["username"] = $_POST["uname"]; $_SESSION["member"]["name"] = stripslashes($db->f("fname"))." ".stripslashes($db->f("lname")); $_SESSION["member"]["company"] = stripslashes($db->f("company")); $_SESSION["member"]["pastorders"] = $db->f("ordernums"); $_SESSION["member"]["lastorder"] = $db->f("lastorder"); $_SESSION["member"]["type"] = $db->f("type"); // roll back 3-21-2014: allow anyone with a Resale License number in the DB to be tax exempt // per: Hasmukh // if ($_SESSION["member"]["type"]=="Distributor" && $db->f("resale") && $db->f("resale") != "none") {$_SESSION["member"]["taxable"] = "exempt";} // else {$_SESSION["member"]["taxable"] = "";} if ($db->f("resale") && strtolower($db->f("resale")) != "none") {$_SESSION["member"]["taxable"] = "exempt";} else {$_SESSION["member"]["taxable"] = "";} // $cart->runaccounting(); // update last visit field $db->proc("UPDATE_LAST_VISIT"); $db->execproc($args); $statDetails = "Successful Log In by ".$_SESSION["member"]["number"]; if (substr(basename($HTTP_REFERER),-4)=="html") { switch (basename($HTTP_REFERER)) { case "checkout.html": header("location:cart.html"); break; case "distributorapp.html": header("location:accountprofile.html"); break; default: header("location:index.html"); break; } } else {header("location:index.html");} } else { // invalid attempt to log in $_SESSION["member"]["loggedin"] = FALSE; $statDetails = "Invalid log in attempt ".$_POST["uname"]." ~ ".$_POST["pword"]; header("location:distributorapp.html?login=12"); } exit; break; case ((isset($_POST["submit"]) && $_POST["submit"] == "Log Out") || (isset($_GET["logout"]) && $_GET["logout"]==1)): // log out request $curMemNum = $_SESSION["member"]["number"]; $statDetails = "Successful Log Out by ".$curMemNum; include_once("../common/stats.php3"); unset ($_SESSION["member"]); $cart->runaccounting(); header("location:index.html"); exit; break; case ($_GET["warning"] && $_GET["warning"]==R8923): // tried to access members-only page $curMemNum = $_SESSION["member"]["number"]; $statDetails = "Successful Log Out by ".$curMemNum; include_once("../common/stats.php3"); unset ($_SESSION["member"]); $cart->runaccounting(); $headline = " Sorry, but you must have a Dealer or Distributor Account with Kar Kare Company and be logged in to access that page. Please log in (use the 'Log In' function on the top right of every page) ... "; break; case ($_GET["forgot"] && $_GET["forgot"]==1): // clicked on 'forgot' $_SESSION["member"]["loggedin"] = FALSE; $statDetails = "Clicked on Forgot? ..."; $headline = "This page will provide assistance if you have lost or forgotten your Log In codes ..."; break; case ($_GET["action"] && $_GET["action"]==11): // e-mail password reminder successful $headline = "The password hint we have for your account has been e-mailed to the address we have on file ..."; break; case ($_GET["action"] && $_GET["action"]==21): // e-mail password reminder UNSUCCESSFUL $headline = " We apologize, but we are unable to identify the Account from the information you have provided. You can submit the information again, or use the bottom box on this page to contact Customer Service for further assistance ... "; break; case ($_GET["action"] && $_GET["action"]==12): // password reset successful $headline = "Your password has been reset, and the new temporary one has been e-mailed to the address we have on file ..."; break; case ($_GET["action"] && $_GET["action"]==22): // password reset UNSUCCESSFUL $headline = " We apologize, but we are unable to identify the Account from the information you have provided. You can submit the information again, or use the bottom box on this page to contact Customer Service for further assistance ... "; break; } // end switch line 19 // check accounting $cart->runaccounting(); // record this action and go to work include_once("../common/stats.php3"); ?> Kar Kare - Member Login
Kar Kare - Your Supermarket of Auto Dealer Sales Supplies since 1986Kar Kare - Your Supermarket of Auto Dealer Sales Supplies since 1986
Kar Kare - Your Supermarket of Auto Dealer Sales Supplies since 1986

If you have forgotten your password, we'll e-mail you the 'hint' we have on file ...
Your username
Your e-mail address

If you wish to reset your password, we'll e-mail you a temporary password ...
Your username
Your e-mail address

If you don't have your username or password, please contact Customer Service
for assistance ... please understand that we cannot reset access codes by telephone.
Your Name
Your Company
Your City
Your phone number - -
Your e-mail address

If you wish to establish a new account with us, please complete a Distributor Application.

Supermarket of Auto Dealer Sales Supplies since 1986 Browse our catalog online!