register("securityCode"); // generate a new security code $chars = array( "a","A","b","B","c","C","d","D","e","E","f","F","g", "G","h","H","j","J","k","K","m","M","n","N","p","P", "r","R","s","S","t","T","u","U","v","V","w","W","x", "X","y","Y","z","Z","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9" ); $length = 6; $textstr = ""; for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {$textstr .= $chars[rand(0, count($chars)-1)];} $_SESSION["securityCode"] = $securityCode = $textstr; // check for loopback errors $hline = ""; if ($_GET["error"] && $_GET["error"]=="1" && $_SESSION["regerror"]) { $statDetails = $_SESSION["regerror"]."\n".$_SESSION["regdata"]."\n"; if (strpos("|||",$_SESSION["regerror"])) {$err = explode("|||",$_SESSION["regerror"]);} else {$err[0] = $_SESSION["regerror"];} list($name,$company,$contacthow,$contacthours,$contactzone,$email,$phone1,$phone2,$phone3,$message) = explode("|||",$_SESSION["regdata"]); $hline = "ERRORS were found in the following fields - please correct and resubmit ...
"; for ($i=0;$i Kar Kare - Request a Callback
Kar Kare - Your Supermarket of Auto Dealer Sales Supplies since 1986Kar Kare - Your Supermarket of Auto Dealer Sales Supplies since 1986
Kar Kare - Your Supermarket of Auto Dealer Sales Supplies since 1986

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[ map ]